ESA Business Incubation Centre in Portugal is looking for you
ESA BIC PORTUGALWe’re looking for teams, or startups up to 5 years old, to use space technologies on non-space innovative solutions, or exploit non-space technology in the space market
ESA BIC Portugal, coordinated by IPN – Instituto Pedro Nunes, is part of a network of 29 ESA BICs across Europe, which were established to empower entrepreneurship and to allow local economies to benefit from space data and technologies.
ESA BIC Portugal was launched in 2014 to offer technical, business and financial support to startups that use space technology for terrestrial applications. Up to date, ESA BIC Portugal has supported 58 startups, which were responsible for the creation of more than 150 jobs. In 2020, to further empower the Portuguese space ecosystem, more technology based incubators joined the programme, so that more Regions in the country can host ESA BIC Portugal startups.
ESA BIC Portugal has been supported by ESA Space Solutions, as well as by the Portuguese Space Agency – Portugal Space, and ANACOM.
BenefitsWhat are the
benefits of programme
€50k non-equity funding
Networking for startups
Door opener to international investors
Technical support (up to 80 hours)
Business development support & advice up to two years
Exclusive events

ESA BIC Portugal Open Call is Now Closed
The opening of the following Open Call is also scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.
FaqsWho is eligible
for this application
We would like to inform that the ESA BIC Portugal Open Call is now officially closed.
Please note that the applications already submitted, if approved, will proceed to contract signing, which is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2025.
The opening of the following Open Call is also scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.
We encourage everyone to stay tuned for further updates. For more information, please visit our website or contact our team via
Start-ups based on innovative technology driven ideas
Legal Portuguese entities
Space or non-space companies (including SMEs)
Academic and research organizations
Citizens from an ESA membership country and resident in Portugal
Citizens from non-ESA member states with a working permit and resident in Portugal
HOW TO APPLYDescription of our steps and
a list of all eligibility requirements
Check your
eligibility 🔎
our team 📧
Download the
application files, here ✏️
Join the application
Time for
Your application 🎉
INCUBATORSESA incubators support startups and entrepreneurs in developing space-based technologies and applications
STARTUPSCurrent ESA startups drive innovation and new applications in space technology
- All
- StartUp

SPACE0 (2024-2026) Space Connection Satellites
Space0 aims to address the growing issue of space debris by developing a lightweight, compact de-orbiting system.

SCANIO (2024-2026) Space Connection EO
Scanio Technologies specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions that combine scanning technologies with advanced 3D modeling and data analysis tools.

BLUE Z - 2024-2026 - Space Connection EO
The BlueZ C Institute focuses on the conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems.

AQ Analytics (2024-2026) - Space Connection EO
AQ Analytics leverages advanced satellite technology to assess air pollution levels and their health impacts.

ASC (2024-2026) Space Connection Satellites
The ASC is a spaceport operator that has developed a commercial space-port concept to provide end-to-end services for small launchers in the Atlantic Region.

ATLAR (2024-2026) Space Connection Satellites
ATLAR Innovation focuses on precise satellite trajectory monitoring and intervention to prevent costly and environmentally damaging deviations. Their mobile real-time tracking

N10Gled - (2024-2025) Space Connection Satellites
N10GLED is focused on developing secure communication systems using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

THOTHX (2024-2026)
SC Satellites ThothX repurposes large radio telescopes to provide unclassified radar data on space assets in geostationary and geosynchronous orbits (GEO).

GEOTERRA 360 (2023-2024) Space connection: EO Data
WaterSphere360 is an online monthly water resource monitoring service providing quantitative intelligence utilizing Earth Observation technology, independent of in-situ measurement support.

TEROMOVIGO (2023-2024) Space connection: EO and GNSS Data
"TeroGrav is a software package to process raw gravity observations from relative spring gravimeters. "

FIREDAT (2023-2025) Space connection: GNSS Data
FireDat provides a solution with Real-Time Information about the Location and Well-Being of Firefighters with several layers of information collected from local and remote sensors.

FIBERLOOP (2023-2024)
FiberLoop is an innovative optical fiber sensor that provides temperature and humidity data with a precision of 1 meter, covering a range of over 25 kilometers.

Greendata Lda. (2023-2024)
Greedata helps agricultural insurance organizations harness geospatial data, specializing in underwriting and claims validation. Our services feature a quantitative risk analysis platform for crop insurance, spanning various risk categories, geographies, and policy durations.

CONNECTED (2023-2024)
CONNECTED’s vision is to affordably connect humankind, unleashing a new wave of IoT-based business models.

GREENSPACE (2023-2024)
Green Space is developing and intends to build and put into the market an innovative liquid-propellant rocket engine that uses non-toxic fuel components.

VIRIDIUS TECHNOLOGY (2023-2024)Space connection: GNSS Data
Green Space is developing and intends to build and put into the market an innovative liquid-propellant rocket engine that uses non-toxic fuel components.

BESTHEALTH4YOU (2023-2024) Space connection: Telecomunications
Bio2Skin Advanced is a platform for transdermal drug delivery that allows a continuum of treatment, preventing wounds from getting worse and promoting their healing.

AZULFY (2022-2024) Space connection: EO Data
Azulfy helps local governments monitor pollution with a SaaS that uses Earth Observation and in-situ data for its readings.
ALUMNIESA BIC alumni continue to drive innovation across industries
- All
- Space
- Food & Agriculture
- Aviation
- Media/Culture & Sport
- Energy
- Maritime & Aquatic
- Health
- Transport & Logistics
- Tourism
- Infrastructure & Smart Cities
- Environment/ Wild Life & Natural Resources

TEROMOVIGO (2023-2024) Space connection: EO and GNSS Data
"TeroGrav is a software package to process raw gravity observations from relative spring gravimeters. "

Virtual Crop (2022-2024) Space connection: EO Data
"VirtuaCrop is an app for sustainable precision farming that turns phones into data gathering and analysis tools"

iTrackSolutions (2018-2019)
Space connection: License agreement with ESA for a patent and software developed for space purposes

WaterDog (2016-2018)
Space connection: GNSS signals for enhanced indoor positioning and Copernicus EO data for airports’ buildings morphology

BlueCover (2016-2018)
Space connection: GNSS processing techniques for acquiring golf shots

GreenFika (2019-2020)
Space connection: GNSS and satellite imagery to give administration teams key information in terms of HR security and management

GreenFika (2018-2019)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

Localista-tech (2019-2021)
Space connection: Digital Elevation Models and Copernicus EO data

mOcean sense (2017-2019)
Space connection: Copernicus and other EO data

Field (2020-2022)
Space connection: GNSS

Our Watch Leads (2020-2022)
Space connection: EO Data. GNSS

BOLD Robotics (2019-2021)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

Fibersail (2017-2019)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

iNANO3 (2015-2017)
Space connection: Piezoelectric/ thermoelectric sensors, piezoelectric/ thermoelectric power generation systems and smart structures for nanosatellites

Eptune Engineering (2020-2022)
Space connection: ESA Technology

mOcean sense (2018-2020)
Space connection: GNSS combined with in situ measurements

Coastal-e (2020-2024)
Provides high-quality and fast access to reliable and relevant metOcean information processes for different sectors of the blue economy.

MATEREO (2016-2018)
Space connection: Smart integration of local sensors, combined with Sentinels 2/3 and GNSS/EGNOS receiver

Delox (2018-2020)
Space Connection: GNSS satellites

Findster (2016-2017)
Space connection: GNSS satellites and EGNOS antennas to give you a real-time and high-precision position of your loved one

Kinetikos (2018-2020)
Space Connection: GNSS satellites to provide high accuracy and continuous monitoring of positioning

VIBO (2020-2022)
Space connection: ESA Patent

Dalma Robotics (2019-2021)
Space connection: GNSS-assisted localization

Gas Express (2020-2021)
Space Connection: EO Data and GNSS

Stratio (2017-2018)
Space connection: GNSS and V2V technologies

Parquist (2019-2020)
Space connection: GNSS for geographical position

Mobleet (2020-2022)
Space connection: GNSS and EO data

SpaceLayer (2015-2017)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

GreenFika (2016-2018)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

Staruplo (2020-2022)
Space connection: EO Data

Cityoo (2019-2021)
Space connection: EO data

AIRBORNE Projects (2015-2017)
Space connection: Real Time Kinematics (RTK) relying on augmented GNSS

PAVNEXT (2018-2020)
Space connection: Thermal Insulation space material

Active Aerogels (2015-2017)
Space connection: Sílica-based aerogel has been tested in several space systems and can be used in landers, rovers, launchers, cryogenic tanks, entry/re-entry capsules

Connect Robotics (2016-2018)
Space connection: Real Time Kinematics (RTK) relying on augmented GNSS

Eye2Map (2015-2017)
Space connection: Real Time Kinematics (RTK) relying on GNSS

ENARPTIN (2020-2022)
Space connection: Galileo GNSS; Copernicus EO Data

Fregata Space (2020-2022)
Space connection: EO Data

EYECON (2022-2023)Space connection: EO Data
HABTRAIL is an application that predicts harmful algal blooms (HABs) and bivalve toxicity using daily satellite imagery and Artificial Intelligence. It comprises a dashboard and a mobile app.

Engenharia Geográfica (2020-2022)
Space connection: EO Data and GNSS

Space connection: Spin-in /New space

CYBELE (2019-2021)
Space connection: Copernicus EO data

FIREFLY (2017-2019)
Space connection: Spin-in /New space

TESSELO (2017-2019)
Space connection: Copernicus and other EO data

D-Orbit (2015-2017)
Space connection: Spin-in /New space

COSMOS Pics (2020-2022) Space connection: EO Data
"Cosmos Pics analyse satellite images to help you see the invisible and monitor infrastructure remotely."

SPACEWAY (2020-2022)
Space connections: Satellite communication, Education & Training

Neuraspace (2021-2022)
Space connection: New space