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Join the 3rd CASSINI Hackathon!

The 3rd CASSINI Hackathon is taking place simultaneously across 10 different locations on 12-14 May 2022 and is looking for participants with a passion for developing sustainable solutions to (Re)Visit Europe. No previous space experience is required. Registration opens on the...
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ESA BIC Portugal Regional Call Azores/ Coimbra is open

The ESA BIC Portugal Regional Call Azores/ Coimbra is open until March 8th! We looking for teams or startups up to five years old to use space technologies or systems to work on innovative solutions in a non-space environment or exploit non-space...
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Masterclass “How to write successful proposals to ESA BIC Portugal and Spark Funding?”

The Masterclass “How to write successful proposals to ESA BIC Portugal and Spark Funding?” will happen on 17 February 2022, at 14:00. With ESA’s country manager, Roberto Cossu, and the team from ESA Space Solutions Portugal, you will get detailed info...
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No âmbito da Conferência IDEIA 2022, a realizar nos dias 23, 24 e 25 de fevereiro de 2022 com o tema “Relevância do Espaço para as Operações Marítimas e Economia Azul”, a Marinha Portuguesa comunica que irá prorrogar, até 27 de janeiro...
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