The transfer of space technology to innovations on Earth is more prevalent than we realize. NASA’s Spinoff publication has been documenting these technology transfers since 1976, showing how space exploitation impacts on various sectors of our society. From Space to Earth…
Open call 2024 of Spark 4 Business is now open
Do you have a business idea based on innovative utilization of space services and technologies in non-space markets, such as transport, energy, health, agriculture, environment and safety? This call encourages the submission of projects from legal portuguese entities, space or non-space companies…
Don’t miss your chance to bring your space-tech business idea to life. Unlock the power of space now with SPARK 4 BUSINESS & SPARK 4 TECH Open Call. Application Deadline: 11 December, 2023
SPARK 4 Tech Open Call
ESA Space Solutions Portugal has launched the SPARK 4 Tech Open Call to support business ideas based on innovative technology transfer from space down to Earth! SPARK 4 Tech aims to finance Technology Transfer Proof of Concepts in order to prove…
Masterclass: “How to write successful applications to ESA BIC Portugal and Spark 4 Business?”
The Masterclass “How to write successful applications to ESA BIC Portugal and Spark 4 Business?” will happen on 16 February 2023, at 14:00 (GMT), online (Zoom). Free registration here. With ESA’s country manager, Roberto Cossu and the team from ESA…
SPARK 4 Business Open Call launched
ESA Space Solutions Portugal has launched the SPARK 4 Business open call to support business ideas based on innovative utilization of space services and technologies in non-space markets, such as transport, energy, health, agriculture, environment and safety. This call encourages the…