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ESA Patent Transfer Challenge 2022

ESA Space Solutions Portugal, in collaboration with ESA, is launching a competition for the best solution to an industry problem based on the application of an ESA patented invention. The aim is to generate leads for technology transfer projects in support...
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ActInSpace 2022: Register, now!

The hackathon of the hackathons is back! Portugal will receive the next ACTINSPACE 2022, 100% in a presential mode this year. Start warming up your engine. We leave you some tips for the upcoming weeks: 1st – Save the dates in...
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ESA Investor Forum in Lisbon

The 22nd edition of the ESA Investor Forum will be held in Lisbon, on October 31st. The ESA Investor Forum is a high-profile event for space-related investment opportunities. It connects start-ups and scale-ups from the ESA network with international investors. The...
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SPARK 4 TECH Open Call is launched!

ESA Space Solutions Portugal has opened applications for SPARK 4 TECH, a programme that supports Portuguese companies interested in transferring space technology for the benefit of Earth. Applications are open until 4 November 2022. SPARK 4 TECH aims to fund technical...
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