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European Space Week 2020

IPN, through ESA Space Solutions Centre Portugal is a proud Copernicus Masters and Galileo Masters Regional Associate. As such, we are happy to invite you to join us at the European Space Week. It will happen online, from December 7th to...
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Have you picked your challenge?

Act In Space 2020 is about to happend, it will start in a week – November 13th & 14th. You will have 24h to hack one of the proposed challenges, and present your solution to the juri. The winner will be...
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Act In Space 2020 is back! Register, today…

It’s true… Act In Space is back! After a few delayed months, Act In Space, the hackathon of the hackathons, is back. And Portugal will not be left aside. This year, you have no excuse to miss it, as we are...
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Create your space!

Do you want to know more ESA funding opportunities for space and downstream applications? Do you want to know more about European Comission calls and opportunities for space and space-related projects?Then, this is the webinar you’re looking for! IPN, ESA Space...
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