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Shifana Koya: “Bridging Academia and Industry: Lessons from IPN’s Industrial Training”

My time at IPN (Instituto Pedro Nunes) for industrial training was a transformative journey filled with diverse projects and collaborative endeavors that left me with a profound sense of accomplishment. As a SWATNet MSCA ITN Ph.D. fellow under the guidance of...
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Slava Bourgeois: “My experience at IPN”

As a PhD student at the University of Coimbra, I completed a 2-month internship at Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN). During this internship, I first understood how a startup incubator works and followed the day-to-day operations of the innovation managers employed at...
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Space webinar: How to Capture Your Own Satellite Data

On April 12th at 14:30 WEST, ESA Space Solutions Portugal welcomes Brian Treacy (Turtle Island Space). Brian will lead a webinar on how to capture your own satellite data. The main goal is to offer a real-world experience with satellites, ground stations, and data via our...
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9th ESA Space Solutions Centre Portugal anniversary!

ESA Space Solutions Centre Portugal marked its 9th anniversary on 30 November 2023, hosting the event at the Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) in Coimbra. In 2014, IPN pioneered the establishment of ESA Space Solutions Portugal, consolidating various ESA Programmes within a...
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