Author: Rute Rôla


Have you picked your challenge?

Act In Space 2020 is about to happend, it will start in a week – November 13th & 14th. You will have 24h to hack one of the proposed challenges, and present your solution to the juri. The winner will be…

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Act In Space 2020 is back! Register, today…

It’s true… Act In Space is back! After a few delayed months, Act In Space, the hackathon of the hackathons, is back. And Portugal will not be left aside. This year, you have no excuse to miss it, as we are…

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Create your space!

Do you want to know more ESA funding opportunities for space and downstream applications? Do you want to know more about European Comission calls and opportunities for space and space-related projects?Then, this is the webinar you’re looking for! IPN, ESA Space…

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ESA BIC Portugal call is now open… Again!

The ESA BIC Portugal Open call is open again! With the renewed and increased geographical coverage of the programe, you can chose amongst the 15 incubation partners. All docuemnts and templates are availabale online here. Apply before September 14th 🙂 If…

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ESA Near Me Patch competion

“ESA Near Me” is near you! Our ESA Space Solutions network is comprised of ESA and local partners, ranging from ESA BICs, ESA Technology Brokers and ESA Business Applications Ambassadors. All interconnected ready to help and reach out to entrepreneurs, startups…

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Copernicus & Galileo Masters Competitions

The well known and recognised “Space Oscars” competitions are still opened. The new deadline in now July 6th 11:59 (CET). If you have a business idea based on any Earth Observation Data, then Copernicus Masters is the right competition for you!…

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3, 2, 1…ESA BIC Portugal Open Call is launched!

ESA BIC Portugal Open Call is now open and with some fresh news… Now, all entreprenuers and startups with business ideaas based on any space asset, or willing to spin-in their ideas, can apply to the ESA incubation Programe in Portugal…

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ESA BIC Portugal is going National!

Today, in this interview by Chiara Manfletti, Portugal Space President, the new set of partners IPN will have to implement ESA Business Incubation Centre in Portuagl is known. Now, startups from North to South, Azores and Madeira call apply to the…

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We are looking for new tech transfer opportunities

If you have a business idea based on a space technology ou know-how, this opportunity is for you. We have an open call to support feasibility projects (6month), funded at 50% rate up to maximum 25.000,00 €. Know more about the…

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Portugal Space is looking for technology-based incubators to join ESA BIC Portugal

A Agência Espacial Portuguesa, em conjunto com o Instituto Pedro Nunes, pretende reforçar o centro de Incubação da Agência Espacial Europeia em Portugal, com novas incubadoras tecnológicas. Rede chegará às dez incubadoras de Norte a Sul do país.O convite, dirigido a incubadoras…

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